Thursday, August 6, 2015

I need a stand :/

That's right. I need a stand or something to help me with my cross stitch. Why? My right arm is getting buff and my left arm is...well...falling asleep on me. Has anyone ever watched Rock-A-Doodle-Do? You know, the one about the chickens and animals fighting an evil owl?

Yeeeeeeah, that dude :) One of the best childhood evil doers out there. Well, this evil guy had a very sophisticated nature about him. And like a real thug, he did cross-stitch! See, he right there in his rocking chair doing what he does best (next to turning people and eating animals). He even had a frog to help him. But you see? He's has a frame!

Please ignored the spacing, its from an online source :l
If the bad guy can do it, so can I. That's why I am looking for a stand. I've researched online and I already know a sitting stand or one that holds on the side wont do. I need a sturdy base where it is secured. The ones down below are the ones I really like and can see myself using.

See that base? I love that base support and I can use two hands!

Aaaahhh, this one looks so flimsy and I wouldn't want to deal with the size....but maybe....

This one has a sturdy base too. And a light, but don't know if I can handle the extra parts.

In general, it has to have a strong base or prop it up on the table. Anyone has any suggestions? Hopefully its under $100 bucks (and that's stretching it too, pocket ain't that big). Until I get one, and I will get one, I will dreamily stare at this stand down below (it's the perfect size, the perfect shape, the perfect width....ok, this is getting strange).

This is the one. Loooove it!


  1. I use K's Creations adjustable lap frames. I have two (one that adjusts 13-22" in width, which I use for most things, and the other adjusts from 22-34" width for very wide projects.) I also have one of their Z frames with a clamp that works great for holding a hoop, but I prefer the adjustable lap frames for scroll bars (more stability). As for the scroll frames, I use American Dream Products "no baste" frames. I stitch so much faster with the 2 handed method! No affiliation, just a satisfied customer.

    1. Thank you so much! I will be sure to look around those sites. I have Q-Snaps too, and they are nice with the smaller pieces I do. Thanks again :3
