Friday, May 8, 2015

I need an Art Room that isn't my House

If you read the title, I'm pretty sure you've already guessed my next topic. In fact, this subject has been haunting my dreams since a little child, and every once and a while, my waking moments are haunted as well.

Every creative person needs a space where they can dump their stuff and create. You can worry about organization later. I'm talking about that space that's soooo messy with paint, scraps of fabric, yarn bits, marker marks and oil (don't ask me how, it's just there) on the spaces you use to create.

Not like this down below.

This is Epic. This is STICKERS.
That is art itself. It deserves a whole other category of epicness. My version of an art room is more along the lines of this picture down below. Well, at least what Google gave me when I typed in 'messy art room'. Someone even did an article on this matter!

Yup. Yuuuuup.
There have been occasions where our front room would end up looking like the picture above, minus the go-car, more fabric, sometimes clothes, defiantly food, and the creepy feeling that something is moving under our feet. And whenever we clean up, we can't find anything. I mean, it has to be left in the same spot we placed it in order to find it again. How do people work in a clean space??

Look at that. Just LOOK at it. 
I don't get it. I really don't. Regardless, I need a space. I need a craft room. It would be nice not having to sit, literally, on pins and needles when I want to watch television. Or scissors, though my butt does a pretty good job of cushioning the blow.

When I have me art room, I will sit at a table to draw and cut fabric, as well as use my sewing machine. So I will need a big enough table next to the wall with the biggest window, and then on the other wall have my sewing spot. I will need a cup to hold my pens and pencils, scissors and rulers. Tubs to hoard yarn and a cabinet for my cross stitch. A white/chalk board to write down projects on, and a tea tray to roll snacks into my zone of creativity. I will get speakers and place them where the sound bounces just right around my room. A CD holder will sit right next to it and a remote would always be by my side. There will be two comfy chairs for my sis and me, where she will have her section of the room as well. Ms. Kathy, down below, on her blog Kluless, is on the right track. Organized clutter.

She's an inspiration for us all.
I'm sure one day I'll have my fabu art room. Till then, I'm going to keep crafting and enjoying the space I do have to craft in :3 That, and stalk pictures on Pinterest. 

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